This year has been full of changes, with staff members coming, going and most importantly and sadly, we said a fond farewell to Penny Evans (Director since 2007) who after achieving so many of her life goals along side and hand in hand with Inspire Photography over the past 11 years, decided to leave and start on a fresh new academic path of discovery.
"It was with great sadness I said goodbye to Simon and the team at Inspire in May this year. Over the past 11 years I’ve been lucky to experience many great times and meet fabulous people as a photographer but the time had come for me to start a new adventure. I’m now studying Health Psychology at Victoria University; the complete change in focus and the academic challenge is just what I needed. I’m kept busy learning about the where’s, why’s and how’s of health and well-being, as well as juggling being a Mum to Lois, who is now a busy 3 year old. I’ve a few more years of study ahead, and after that I hope to be working in health services." - Penny Evans
Good luck Penny, you will be sorely missed.
Inspire would like to welcome Abdullah Rashid
Abdullah is our new photo technician/photographer here at Inspire and is an absolute wizz at just about everything. Needless to say we are really happy he has joined our team and am looking forward to working together in 2019 (Click here to see his full team profile)
Abdullah's wealth of knowledge within the school photography business has been a real win for us at Inspire. Being able to walk into employment at Inspire and start shooting straight away was an immense relief to us all as Penny's shoes were hard to fill, but also as a result we are now employing a whole new shooting system that enables us to do so much more with the images afterwards, which includes naming the photos with each child's name and exporting them e-Tap Database ready. The list goes on.
Online ordering upgrade
We are now in the final stages of preparing our new online ordering website, which is something a lot of our customers will be grateful for. Although our current site has proven to be a good steadfast workhorse, the inability to order on your devices has been a real hinderance to our ordering process. With the new site, this has been addressed and will be ready over the coming months.
Seems like we will be having a busy year ahead and with that being said, I would like to wish you all an Amazing 2019 and look forward to seeing you then.
Simon and the Inspire Team.